Monday, February 4, 2008

The First Time I've Been Quoted in Print

OCU student group helps promote Animal Law

by Marie Price
The Journal Record

February 5, 2008

OKLAHOMA CITY – To some, a pet is a pet is a pet.

In the eyes of the law, traditionally Rover and Fluffy have been treated as property in court cases. That attitude is changing, however, with specialized legal practices, animal law courses and organizations sprouting up around the country.

The growth seems to be fed by factors such as states beefing up animal cruelty laws over the past decade or so, a trend among owners to consider pets more like family members – some to the point of leaving them trust funds – public outrage over the thousands of pets abandoned after Hurricane Katrina and, more recently, litigation over the reported deaths of many cats and dogs from tainted pet food, among others.

About 90 law schools, none in Oklahoma, offer animal law courses.

The article continues with all the quotes of the things I said; if you know me, they won't surprise you, and if you don't, read the article in full and you'll get a better idea of who I am. It's a really nice little article and Marie did a wonderful job. I hope it will lead to more Oklahoma lawyers who care about animal welfare coming out of the woodwork.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Sorry about the funny formatting, the fonts were not being cooperative.